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Post Info TOPIC: Your made up Character!

The White Rider

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Posts: 2010
Your made up Character!

Hey if you could make up any character man elve Maiar or Valar who would he be? Any race any thing. But It has to be real, some race that Tolkien has alredy created. Just weave your own story into his. Tell me your characters name his weapons things he is known for were he lives what race and culture he is. Be super super discriptive. Tell me your life long story. Illuvatar and Sir Cody make your reply long! This is a real chalange! Make it long! Even say what kind of armor or clothes he wares. I am excited to hear your storys.

P.S. Make it LONG!!!!! That means you Sir Cody!!! Don't make it short!


-- Edited by Olorin on Saturday 5th of June 2010 07:29:02 PM

-- Edited by Olorin on Saturday 5th of June 2010 07:29:57 PM


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

he is a rohirrim hobbit born in hobbiton that became fasanated with rohan and the adventures of bilbo and frodo at a young age so he was the the odd one in the family (and in all of the shire) his parents didn't have care about his interst in rohan he had an older brother and sister at the age of 44 he joined orthies in his adventures the wepons he used were a rohrrim axe and a bow and he had a blacksmith make him a hobbit sized suit of mirthril armor made in the rohan style he had a full sized horse named charly he and orthies were unstopable when ever they fought enemies

-- Edited by sir cody on Saturday 5th of June 2010 09:10:06 PM

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Good! I like it. Here is mine. His name is Orthies the Black. He is an Istari. He was the head of the Black council until he was ruled unvit for the job. He was replaced by Saruman the White and made head of the council, renamed the white council. I was angery of corse but I did not come to vilolence to get my spot back of the level of Morgoth. I tried to prove my self to the Valar. They said that Saruman was stronger and wiser then I was and that he was more fit for this head Istari. I said he may be wiser then I (turns out he was not, some guy they replaced him with) but I am more powerful. They said that is exsacly why thye kicked me out of the head wizard spot and that is why I am weak because I want to fight to much. They even kicked me out of the 5 head Istari group and they sent me to Middle-earth to learn from the world. I was still givin all my power to protect my self. I was not evil just being taught a lesson. I learned manny manny things! Almost more then Olorin. I never returned to Aman for I grew found of Middle-earth. I was given manny names none I can mention now but I still manly kept my name Orthies. Though I did not give it to manny people at all, few know my true name. I have since I decided to stay the Valar said that I am free to come back to Aman Any time I please but when I do I will be judged if I am worthy to be a head Istari again. I am the chife protecter of Middle-earth however. I am to destroy any servents of evil I meet (mainly Saurons forces though) for that is what I do best, fight! The Elves were fond of my knowlage and they knew me well. I was not allowed to tell any one who I really was, a Maiar, as is the custom for all the Istari. I was able to tell people I am a wizard, they would find out sooner or later anyways. The Elves made me a special sword. I have givin it the ability to catch fire at any time I please. Bright light blue, white, and silver fire on my sword that is hoter then Dragon fire. It can melt anything or anyone! So because  of this ability I have named it CelebNar (kehl-ehb) (nahr). It means Silver Fire, because of the silver flame ability. I have named it in the Sindarin language because it was made by Elves. I have a very very long tale that will take a long time to say. So until then this will have to do as a start. I will reveal my Intier story another time.

P.S. Sorry for all of the information.

P.P.S. I am very sorry for how I kept changing between first, second, and thrid person veiw, my bad.

Culture-Istari (Wizard)
Name-Orthies the Black
Hight-6 foot
Teacher's- Tulkas and Nienna, but was good friends with Yavanna and learned much from her.
Eye color-steel gray
Hair- long, with long beard
Hair color-mainly grey, but with some white
Clothes-almost the same thing as Gandalf the white but black, diferent broch, made of silk. He also wares a pointy hat like Gandalf the Greys but black. Many asorments of bags on belt.
Home-Many homes but he dose not live anywhere, he is a wanderer and an explorer of all of Middle-earth.
Weapons-Celebnar (Kehl-enb) (Nahr), magical abilitys and items, and staff. His staff is black and looks very similer to Gandalf the Whites staff, except the top part of the trangular top of the staff dose not stop but the lines of meterial go through each other. The staff also has a singal pointed white gem in the top of the staff like saruman's staff, and when you look into it you see a bright but very veaug white light inside the gem. He also has a white Palantir from Osgiliath. Eriador.
Skin color-White
Things he is known for-Knowlage, wisdom, sword Celebnar, is usualy in a good mood, and exspecialy fighting.
Hobbies-Smoking, fighting, traveling, singing, learning about everything there is to know about Arda, Always coming up with new things to say, do, and to learn, often inventing new magical spells, writing songs, storys, and poetry,and visiting my friends.
Things I hate most-I find joy in every thing I do and see and I hate few things, I gues it would be either fools who don't know what is really going on in this world or all of Melkor's evil.
Favorite food-Anything meat, but I have really taken a liking to Lembas.
Favorite drink-Tea, but I will drink anything that wets the throat.

-- Edited by Olorin on Monday 7th of June 2010 09:06:42 PM

-- Edited by Olorin on Sunday 18th of July 2010 07:57:28 AM

-- Edited by Olorin on Sunday 18th of July 2010 08:00:34 AM

-- Edited by Olorin on Sunday 18th of July 2010 02:54:52 PM

-- Edited by Olorin on Saturday 7th of August 2010 10:30:13 AM

-- Edited by Olorin on Saturday 7th of August 2010 11:04:49 AM


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

hay I included you in my charecters story and I don't mean gandalf

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

O thank you. Lol, well then maybe Orthies and Cody can become best of friends and they can fight together and never be defeated. What did you think of my story, even if it is not compleate?


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

pretty good and that would be cool if there was more wizrirds out there

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

There are tons of Istari out there. There is just 5 head Istari. And thank you. O and I picked the name of my sword for Orthies. This is it. CelebNar (kehl-ehb) (nahr). It means Silver Fire in the Elvish Sindarin language. Because of the silver fire ability that is in the sword.

-- Edited by Olorin on Saturday 5th of June 2010 09:37:04 PM


Not all who wander are lost.


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Posts: 1313

I decided to make another character then Serith Oldbuck.

RACE: Maia of Melkor
NAME: Thaurin <Thow(rhymes with Sau- in Sauron)-Reen(rhymes with bean)
HOME: No permanent home.
In Middle Earth I was feared.  Children of Gondor would cry at night, fearing my sorcery.
I am Thaurin, a Maia of Melkor.  I was one of the first Maiar to ever be created.  I was created from the discord in the music of the Ainur created by Melkor.  At the dawn of the second age I was cast down by the Valar to Middle Earth.  I was a strong follower of Melkor at the time and had gotten myself in trouble.  The Valar knew that I was almost as powerful as Eonwe, most powerful of the Maiar.  Me and Melkor were planning to destroy Eru and rule Arda.  This was the longest and most elaborate plan ever made in the history of the world.  He told me near the end of the first age.  "I will be cast into the void in this coming battle" (he was talking about the climax of the War of Jewels).  "You must help me and deceive my lieutenant Sauron into making a ring of power.  A ring that will rule the fate of Middle Earth.  You must take some of my power."
I was amazed that he would make that sacrifice.  I thought he was such a great man.
He then gave some of his soul and power to me.  I felt so powerful and could not imagine that this was only a fraction of the power that Morgoth had inside him.  "When Sauron creates this ring, he will be putting most of his power into it.  You must fuel the ring as well with the power I have just given you.  In this way I can live on and influence Middle Earth through the ring."  I thought it was an ambitious plan.  Just the sort of thing Morgoth would do.
I did all of the things he told me to.  I built up a reputation in Middle Earth as a dark sorcerer of Mordor.  I went to villages and performed some cheap tricks so that could give me their gold.  But there was one thing that Morgoth did not intend.  Sauron was defeated at the hands of Isildur, son of the king of Gondor.  His life force was so dependent on having the one ring that when it was cut from his finger, he would have been cast away from Middle Earth forever.  But at the last moment, I desperately sucked all of the power out of him and gave it to myself. Sauron was now inside of my body.
I waited for just the right moment.  When the ring was at it's most vulnerable position and could be stolen easily.  I walked up the seemingly endless staircase to the top of Bara-dur, and when I got to the top, I released Sauron's life force from myself into a fireplace in the middle of the room at the top of the tower.  The fire took on a life of it's own.  It grew into a great eye that saw all.  From inside the room I heard an evil laugh echoing around the walls.  Then, on top of a pedestal I placed a Palantir handed to me by Morgoth before he was cast into the void.
Sauron, not realizing who I was and what I had done, was enraged at someone being inside of his magnificent black tower.  He said in a raspy voice, "I see you!" and I was sucked through his massive fiery eye and thrown out of the tower.  I was flying through the air at a speed that was far past fatal when I heard a voice inside my head. "Do you see what your 'allies' have done to you?  Throwing you out of the tower even after you resurrected them?"  It was a voice I had heard many a time in Valinor.  The voice of a wizard.  The voice of Gandalf the Grey.  Then my speed decreased greatly and I slowly floated down to the ground.  I thought to myself, "Is Morgoth really the good guy here?" and Gandalf swayed me.  I told myself I would no longer serve Morgoth or his servant ever again.
I did not do much to help with the War of the Ring, nor did I hinder it.  I simply watched and fought in a few of the battles.  The Black Gate would never have been won if I had not helped in the fight.  I am not recognized in Middle Earth for being a hero.  I have just helped turn the tide in small ways.  In my own eyes, I am a failure, I am just glad that I came to the side of light when the need arose.

-- Edited by Iluvatar on Wednesday 9th of June 2010 04:45:39 PM

-- Edited by Iluvatar on Thursday 22nd of July 2010 02:26:05 PM

-- Edited by Iluvatar on Friday 23rd of July 2010 09:12:39 PM

-- Edited by Iluvatar on Wednesday 4th of August 2010 06:34:59 PM

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

you make i seem like the whole thing depened on you and I think I liked serith oldbuck better

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Hey, let me get mean here!! It was way better then mine and yours sir cody! It was great, I love how you weaved your self into the story like I did. Very creative. I injoyed it very much! Keep going with that Illuvatar it is good. And Sir Cody, you are wrong that was a great story so what if he made a character that is really important, I said make almost any story. So what I have to say is good job Illuvatar and Sir Cody, you do not know a good story when you hear one.

P.S. I edited mine for what features I have.

-- Edited by Olorin on Monday 7th of June 2010 06:01:15 PM


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

different people have different tastes in storys and iluvatar what did you apear as when you came to middle earth

-- Edited by sir cody on Monday 7th of June 2010 06:52:14 PM

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Well you are right but I am just mad that you think it is not that great, because it was.


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

I think I just prefer the more down to earth races and what if all of our made up charecters were conected for example sir cody joined orthies and what if it was orthies that turned thaurin good

-- Edited by sir cody on Monday 7th of June 2010 08:59:36 PM

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

That is what I was thinking. I will put you guys in my story if that is alright.

P.S. look up at my story again I edited it so you can see all my information on Orthies, down to the last detail.


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

I tryed to edit my story but it wouldn't let me so here is some other stats
name:formaly cody proudfoot then sir cody
apearence:how I look in real life but with curly hair
hieght:3ft 6in
birth place:the shire
best freind:orthies the black
wepons:rohan axe,sheild,bow

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Nice! Did you like my really advanced stats?


Not all who wander are lost.


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Posts: 1313

sir cody wrote:

iluvatar what did you apear as when you came to middle earth

I convinced most people that I was a dark sorcerer.  I shall edit my story and say that.

Olorin wrote:

I will put you guys in my story if that is alright.

Yes you can by all means.

-- Edited by Iluvatar on Wednesday 9th of June 2010 04:50:15 PM

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Sweet. Maybe if it is alright with you, it could be Orthies that talked to you when you were flung out of the dark tower. Because That would fit Orthies perfectly. So if you want, you can make it so Orthies talked to Thaurin and floated him down. And that is why they are such good friends. Think about it.

P.S. Your characters name Thaurin sounds dwarvish.


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

that is exactly what I was thinking and then orthies sends sir cody on his horse to get thaurin and helps him escape form the orcs

-- Edited by sir cody on Wednesday 9th of June 2010 09:08:11 PM

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Na thaurin is a Maiar and is very powerful he would never need help escaping from Orcs.


Not all who wander are lost.

Elven King

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Posts: 35

I'm working on one.

Their taking the Hobbits to Isengard

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Sounds good! I am excited to hear it!


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

ya but can sir cody still help him get out of mordor

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

He did not need help he was flung out of it and I or Gandalf Floated him down. O and by the way Cody you cant just have mithril made for you like that. You have have to have all the money in the world to get mithril armor. It can't just be made for you.

-- Edited by Olorin on Thursday 10th of June 2010 08:10:55 AM


Not all who wander are lost.


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Posts: 1313

Unless you are the most famous person in Arda or something like that. And Olorin, I would make it Orthies but Gandalf would more likely be the one to talk to him because he's trying to convert him to the good side.

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

That makes more since, good choice.


Not all who wander are lost.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1313

Thank you.

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

So, who els has a story to tell? I am egar to hear your tales.


Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

we should all edit or profiles on theis site so they match our charecters

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

I was thinking of doing that, but I want to stay Olorin, and I am sure Illuvatar wants to still be Eru.


Not all who wander are lost.

Master of Utumno

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Posts: 435

let me give this a shotconfuse


RUINIANLAS IS A MAIA OF MANDOS AND IS IN CHARGE OF MAKING SURE THE FIRES OF UDUN DO NOT TAKE OVER ARDA IN AN INFERNO. HE WAS BORN OF THE SECRET FIRE IN TIME HE WOULD TAKE PART IN THE DAGOR DAGORATH BY USING THE FLAMES OF UDUN IN THEFINAL FIGHT WITH MELKOR. TO THE HOBBITS HE IS KNOW AS SPARKY. the men have no name for him for to them he is just the inner flame,because men believe that the fighting spirit inside of them is ruinianlas.the elves call him vala udun which means the angel of the underworld
ruinianlas was there on the day that feanor slew his kin,the people of olwe,and watch with a heavy heart, for ruinianlas and osse were of kin,and what angered him was that he was the maia that they prayed to in great need, but he never came, for he was wrathful torwards the noldor and helped them no longer.the melian the maia bride of thingol called upon him to be a gaurdian spirit for luthien tinuviel.and he was with her at the gates of tol in gaurhoth and he was with her in the thrown room of melkor when beren cut of a silmaril from it,but when she left for the undying lands he had no choice but to stay, so from then on he watched over the house of valandil all the way down to aragorn elessar and thanks to ruinianlas aragorn survived the fall from the cliff at the battle with the wolf riders durin the caravan to helms deep after the war of the ring in the great peace that followed it is said that ruinianlas went to the realm of the forgoten caves to convince the numenoreans to join the forces of good and in the dagor dagorath he dies at the hand of melkor after slaying both gothmog and sauron.

oh and i really like your guys characters there way beter than mine but i gave it my beas shotsmile

-- Edited by asmodeus on Tuesday 22nd of June 2010 11:13:05 AM


His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.

… suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall …

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

thats cool you saved aragorn

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!


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Posts: 1313

I thought it was an awesome character! It really displayed your mastery of the history of Arda.

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Ya, well created. I enjoyed your knowlage of the history of Arda, as well as how you went out in the Dagor Dagorath. Killed Melkor's two most falued soldiers, and then died by the master, good story!


Not all who wander are lost.


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Posts: 1313

The only thing is it's not as long as mine. Hehe.

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

Yep yours beats mine by about 300 words Illuvatar. But I beat you by 1000 words of my story in my head lol. I have it all planed out in my head. I just did not want to write all of that imformation down. Even if I type 50 words a minute.


Not all who wander are lost.

Master of Utumno

Status: Offline
Posts: 435

thanks guys i could go into greater detail but if i did it would take forever


His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.

… suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall …

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

As is the same for all of us.


Not all who wander are lost.

Master of Utumno

Status: Offline
Posts: 435



His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.

… suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall …

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

not me I usaly have troble at comeing up with stuff to write espesshly on topics I don't like

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!


Status: Offline
Posts: 1313

You do not like this topic? Or were you just pointing that out?

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

just pointing out

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010



Not all who wander are lost.

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

I had troble editing my post but I am changeing my weapons
weapons:halberd and bow

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

I see you like Halberds now.


Not all who wander are lost.

Master of Utumno

Status: Offline
Posts: 435

why not they rule


His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.

… suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall …

Lord of the Hornburg

Status: Offline
Posts: 1080

yes they do they provide many ways to damege your oponent

You will be in awe of my knowlage of the Middle Ages!

Master of Utumno

Status: Offline
Posts: 435



His enemy halted again, facing him, and the shadow about it reached out like two vast wings.

… suddenly it drew itself up to a great height, and its wings were spread from wall to wall …

The White Rider

Status: Offline
Posts: 2010

I know they are cool, and usful. A Hobbit with a halbard, lol. It better be made to fit his size.


Not all who wander are lost.


Status: Offline
Posts: 1313

Yeah. That would be funny though if he had this huge halberd to go with his three foot tall body.

Sing my world into being, Ainur.  The universe needs your power!
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